Treadmill DataStaticWalkTrotCanterGallop Treadmill Transition DataStatic to WalkWalk to StaticWalk to TrotTrot to WalkTrot to CanterCanter to Trot FreestyleStaticBucking Kicking Back LegsRearing Up Boxing Front LegsTurn 160Turn 360Twitchy CirclesTwitchy HorseTrot to StopLeft LateralsFoot ScratchingCanter Left First Name * Last Name * Phone Number * EMail * Company * Address Line 1 * Address Line 2 City * County Post Code * Country Website URL Project Name * Project Type *---Feature FilmFeature AdvertTV AdvertTV DocumentaryTV Fiction / DramaVideo GameMusic VideoEquine BiomechanicsMedical ResearchEducationMilitary / Defence(Other) 3D Application *---Maya3D Studio MaxBlenderCinema4DLightwave(Other) Already Developed Own Horse Mesh and/or Skeleton *YesNo Message * Submit